Armenians have had a special attitude toward water as they honor it as a gift of nature. It is also an agrarian symbol of abundant harvest and the very roots of what was once a bountiful Muscat Grove on this land. We honor the grapes and grapevines and grape leaves as a symbol of Armenian culture with the name Vineyards, and with the design motif, and with delicious regional and local wines served at various events in this fountain courtyard on this land. Water is considered a symbol of life. This courtyard and fountain, like everything that is part of The Vineyards, was inspired by tradition.
A town square, piazza or courtyard, comes from history, and is a gathering space found in the heart of a traditional town and used for community gatherings, beautiful fountains, benches, impressive architecture, and surrounded by residences. Located in the center of our courtyard, the Santa Barbara Spanish revival fountain is designed with the scuppers that in the past would allow for the town to fill their water urns, similar to the urn you see when you arrive at the Vineyards. This connection to water extends from your arrival through this fountain centerpiece, and to the rear fountain of water called a “pulpulak”, similar to what can be seen throughout Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Pure water fountains have long been one of the most recognized symbols of Armenia. Very often, Armenians in gratitude say: “May your life be long like water.” It is considered a blessing.
In early Christianity the Quatrefoil shape is said to represent the four evangelists of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In early Christianity the
Quatrefoil shape
The shape of our fountain is a Quatrefoil and has stood the test of time. A quatrefoil forms the outline of four overlapping circles of the same size. It is an ancient symbol of good luck derived from the Latin roots and means “four leaves” or “clovers”. is said to represent the four evangelists of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But more traditionally in the village centers, piazza’s and town squares, the shape represents the four ends of the earth, much like a compass pointing north, south, east and west, and like The Vineyards welcoming to all.
The decorative tiles are also designed in the Quatrefoil pattern and have been made in Malibu since the 1920s in the tradition of early California architecture using dark red clay, hand painted artwork with bright vibrant colors. The application for glazing is unchanged since the 1920s and the decorative tiles are hand dried in kilns located on the sands by the original Malibu pier.
With authentic details like you see with our fountain design, The Vineyards is a One of-a-Kind magnificently planned senior community, built on the legacy of giving and vision of the Founding Fathers.
The Quatrefoil distinctive shape and ornamentation endures to embellish our community with its timeless harmony and symmetry. The decorative framework of symmetry of four lobes that radiate from a common center pointing north, south, east and west are welcoming to all.